
Strona główna

Battllefield Simulators For The Polish Army

  • Fot. J.Sabak
    Fot. J.Sabak

The Armament Inspectorate announced a tender, the aim of which is to deliver tactical battlefield simulation systems that are to be used to train the troops of armoured and mechanized units.

Delivery of the following elements is to be the subject of the potential orders:

  • One complex combat simulation system for use at the battalion level (KSSPW);
  • Four laser shooting simulators (LSS) for the military equipment used by the armoured and mechanized units;
  • Five tactical battlefield simulators for the armoured and mechanized units (STWPW).

According to the requirements published by the Armament Inspectorate, the third system is going to be used to “organize and realize trainings and exercises and to plan tactical operations within the contemporary battlefield, through application of a computer-based simulation”.

The KSSPW and LSS devices (sensors and laser systems), installed on the selected weapons systems and equipment, shall make it possible to practically verify, in realistic weather and terrain conditions, the planned tactical training operations, up to the level of the battalion-sized units. Secondly, the systems shall enable the users to perfect their combat and engagement related skills, and simulate the fact that given target was hit. Finally the system should also provide an option of assessing the recorded hits.

The individual systems are to be equipped with software and devices that contain a tool, which would support the staff in training (command, team), and enhance the decision making process, enabling them to maintain mutual communications, cooperation, archiving, visualization and assessment of the exercise that has been carried out. The order also assumes that a training session is going to be organized for the selected personnel.

The final request placing deadline, related to the requests for being included in the proceedings, expires on 25th January 2016.



