
Armed Forces

Poland Will Be Involved in Training of the Ukrainian NCO’s

  • Ilustracja: Planet Lab Inc./Progea 4D
    Ilustracja: Planet Lab Inc./Progea 4D

According to General Bogusław Pacek, who is an advisor of the Minister of Defence, Poland is going to provide a positive response to the Ukrainian requests regarding the training of the Non-Commissioned Officers.

Pacek stressed the fact that Poland, since a long time, has been taking part in an “educational reform” for the Ukrainian officers. He listed, within the context above, five Polish universities along with several experts. 

Pacek additionally emphasized the need of carrying out these tasks within a larger scope. According to his statements made via Twitter, Poland is going to give a positive response to the Ukrainian requests submitted to NATO, regarding the demands related to the training process for the NCO’s.

This probably means that Polish training personnel will be deployed to Ukraine, which has been also suggested by the General’s statement that “he already got himself acquainted with two Ukrainian [training] centrers in Yavorovo and Desno”.


