

PCO S.A Thermal Vision Cameras - Space Sector Forum

  • Rakieta próbna ATV z silnikiem typu scramjet. Fot. Indian Space Research Organisation /
    Rakieta próbna ATV z silnikiem typu scramjet. Fot. Indian Space Research Organisation /

PCO S.A presented its KLW-1 ASTERIA Thermal Vision Camera during this year’s edition of the Space Sector Forum event organized in Warsaw.

PCO S.A, during the Space Sector Forum event, showcased its products, along with other companies which constitute a part of the Polish Armament Group (Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa – PGZ). A joint booth was used to present the KLW-1 ASTERIA thermal vision camera, along with the information regarding the PCO S.A contribution to the programme, the aim of which is to create a sun coronagraph. The said programme is being executed by the European Space Agency. 

KLW-1 Asteria cameras, on the other hand, have already been applied in case of the PT-91 Twardy main battle tanks. In the Twardy tank, the Asteria system replaces the older first generation devices that were provided by a foreign contractor.

Copernicus Science Center in Warsaw organized the Space Sector Forum event on 9th March. The initiative involved more than 420 participants. Among that group, one could find representatives of the Polish government, Polish and foreign companies, institutes, academia and the press. 


