
Armed Forces

PCO S.A. Receives Award For Developing The New Miniaturized Night Vision Goggles

PCO S.A. company which is a part of the Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (Polish Armament Gorup), received awards for developing the miniaturized PNL-2AD/M “SZPAK” Night Vision Goggles.The system received an European Medal and the Trophy of the National Security Leader.

PCO S.A. was announced on the 10th June the winner of the XXVI edition of the European Medal Contest organized by the Business Centre Club. According to the assumption, the award is granted in case of the products that meet the requirements of the European standards. The assessment also covers the factors related to the company which developed the given product or service.

On 18th June, PCO S.A. received a Trophy of the National Security Leader during a Gala which took place at the Polish Army Conference Centre. Analogously to the 10th June award, the company was distinguished for developing the PNL-2AD/M “SZPAK” miniaturized night-vision goggles.

The contest is organized by the Polish Association Of Suppliers Working For The Uniformed Services. Products that are used by the Uniformed Services, and that are utilized in the area of collective security, are the main subject of the contest. The competition is organized with an honorary patronage of the chief of the National Security Bureau, Stanisław Koziej. The Honorary Committee of this year’s edition featured, inter alia, the Polish Minister of Defence, Tomasz Siemoniak.

Miniaturized PNL-2AD/M “SZPAK” night-vision goggles are a light tool, the purpose of which is to facilitate night-operations. PCO S.A. stresses the fact that the system features two independent optical channels and makes it possible to render the sizes and shapes of the observed objects in a natural way. The goggles are compatible with most of the helmets used currently by the uniformed services and the Army.


