
Armed Forces

Poland will start the process of acquiring submarines this year

  • Wyjęcie próbek z GEER nastąpiło po ich dwutygodniowym stygnięciu. Fot. NASA
    Wyjęcie próbek z GEER nastąpiło po ich dwutygodniowym stygnięciu. Fot. NASA

Polish Ministry of Defence has informed that the procedure of acquiring new submarines for the Polish Navy has not been delayed, however, the proceedings aiming at granting the order will be conducted in accordance with the decision No. 118/MON made by the Minister of Defence. Solution like that will make it possible to carry out a multi-staged negotiation programme with the contractors.

According to the information transferred by the Ministry of Defence we know that technological dialogue regarding the acquisition of submarines for the Polish Navy is finished. The “resulting documents of the concept analysis phase (Feasibility Study and Initial Tactical and Technical Assumptions) are already being compiled by the institutions indicated in the Decision 72/MON”.

That means that the head of the Armament Inspectorate consults the above mentioned documents with the P-5 Board of the General Staff, manager and the central body of logistics. Additionally the P-8 Board of the General Staff is creating an opinion on the Feasibility Study, within the scope of financing.

Polish Ministry of Defence has also said that “...the acquisition procedure is executed in accordance with the schedule assumed by the Ministry”. According to the declarations made before, “the proceedings are to begin in the 2nd half of this year, while the contract is to be signed in the 2nd half of 2015”.

Who’s in?

The Polish MoD did not disclose any information as to which offers are considered. The statement on that matter was laconic: „as a result of the conducted analysis certain defence companies have been selected, at the moment when the official proceedings start they may be invited to place their offers”.

No information was disclosed as to whether the requirements were changed in a way that would include 212A submarines in the tender. The information, again, was quite modest: “Updating will make it possible to continue the military equipment acquisition through the Armament Inspectorate. This will make it possible to acquire a system which will be compliant with the current needs and requirements of the Polish Armed Forces, which will have an impact on enhancing capability and safety of the Naval activity.”.

We must remember though, that in accordance with the MoD’s opinion published back in December 2013: „If we take the operational requirements into account, the 212A submarine is not compliant with these, (…) It is impossible to tailor this sub to the requirements”.

How the acquisition of a submarine is going to look like?

The Ministry of Defence has also stated that “an assessment of the basic national security interest has been carried out”, which means that after a technological dialogue, the MoD Department of Strategy and Security Policy has already “carried out an assessment of the basic national security interest within the scope of establishing and maintaining the national industrial potential, dedicated to acquisition of the new submarine”.

It has been decided that the proceedings related to the order will rather be executed in accordance with No. 118/MON Decision of the Minister of Defence, than in a limited tender mode or as negotiations with a statement. According to the offering Parties this is a good solution, since it makes it possible to carry out multi-staged negotiations with the contractors, including agreement and detailed arrangement of the requirements. This system is also more flexible both for the Ordering Party as well as for the partaking companies.

The offset offer is also to be considered (maintaining and establishing national potential). That means that constructing a submarine in Poland may be considered as well.


