

“Optronics For National Security and For The Security Of The Citizens” - Conference. First Edition.

  • Fot. Peterson Air Force Base /
    Fot. Peterson Air Force Base /
  • Fot. cwizner/Pixabay
    Fot. cwizner/Pixabay
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I am convinced that this conference is going to contribute to improved cooperation between the military and the industry, within the field of optronics - as it was stated by the President of the Board of the PCO S.A company, Ryszard Kardasz, when he summed up the “Optronics For National Security and For The Security Of The Citizens” Conference. The said conference, organized in Poland for the first time in history, covered the issues related to optronic devices, including thermal vision and photonics. These areas belong to the key technologies of the European Union, according to the Europe 2020 strategy.

PCO S.A., in cooperation with the Military University of Technology, Polish Technological Platform on Photonics, and the Warsaw University of Technology, has organized the first conference which is covered the area of the Optronic devices. The conference took place at the Ossa Congress & Spa Hotel in Rawa Mazowiecka, between 7th and 8th October.

The main goal of the first Polish conference on optronics was to create a platform for experience and knowledge exchange, in the field. The platform would also make it possible to cover the related developments. Secondly, the event made it possible to demonstrate the innovative initiatives undertaken by the Polish companies, scientific institutions and research and development facilities.

During the meeting it has been proven that optoelectronics may be applied both in the civilian, as well as within the military sector. The said industrial area is developing dynamically, as it is closely tied to the high-tech industry.

The meeting was started by Ryszard Kardasz, PhD Eng., President of the Board and General Director of the PCO S.A company. The first conference session - “Optronics in defence and security systems of the country – current status and visions of development” was led by professor Tomasz Wolinski, PhD Hab., head of the Polish Society for Photonics. His speech opened the substantial part of the event.

During the second conference sessions, issues related to the rules of implementation of the optronic devices in the area of national security were discussed. This part was led by Adam Piotrowski PhD Eng., representing the VIGO System S.A. company and the Polish Technological Platform on Photonics.

The first day of the meeting ended with a discussion panel: “Army, science, industry – synergy of needs and capabilities offered by the Polish optronics sector”, involving Div. Gen. Zygmunt Mierczyk, PhD Hab., working for the Military University of Technology, Col. Maciej Zając of the Armament Inspectorate, Henryk Knapczyk PhD Eng. working for the PIT-RADWAR S.A. company, Ryszard Piramidowicz PhD Eng. Hab. of the Warsaw University of Technology and commander Arkadiusz Kalinowski, representing the Armament Policy Department of the Polish Ministry of Defence. Juliusz Ćwieluch, working for the “Polityka” weekly, acted as the discussion panel moderator.

During the conference, lectures were given by the representatives of the industry, scientific facilities and research and development facilities related to development of the Polish optronics sector.

On the second day of the meeting, mainly the technological aspects of development, implementation and application of the optronic devices were discussed, particularly in the areas of industry and in the equipment used by the Armed Forces. The conference also covered the issues related to the modern thermal imaging devices for the anti-aircraft systems and fire control systems, 3D-imaging systems, photonic systems and sub-systems. Other, related areas were also covered.

The “Optronics For National Security and For The Security Of The Citizens” conference was supported by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher education, and by the Military University of Technology.



