

Lubawa Group Increases Its Revenue and Profit

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Lubawa Group has recorded, throughout the four quarters of the preceding year, an increase of 14%, regarding its consolidated revenue. Net profit has increased itself by more than 300%, as the initial estimates seem to suggest.

According to the release published by Grupa Lubawa, the consolidated net result, according to the estimates covering the four quarters of the preceding year, has been contained in an amount of PLN 11.2 million, which translates into a 326% of growth, when compared to the preceding period. The corresponding value, when put against the year 2015, was increased by PLN 8.6 million. During the preceding term, the net income was equal to PLN 2.6 million.

The Group has also recorded a significant growth in case of the sales results. For the four quarters of the preceding year the said value has been estimated to reach the level of PLN 20.7 million, while during the year 2015 a loss in an amount of 0.1 million zlotys was recorded. The consolidated sales revenue of the group, during the discussed period, has been estimated as PLN 274.0 million, which means that 33.8 million zlotys growth was recorded (14.1%), in comparison with the preceding year.

Following the year 2015, which was very difficult for us, the last year has led to an improvement of the economic situation in all segments of the business activity undertaken by the Group, both at the level of sales, as well as at the level of the P&L items. This was a result of reorganization and hard work undertaken by our sales teams, which translated into increased quantity of orders received from our long-time customers, as well as into acquisition of new ones. The increased income could have been witnessed primarily at the end of the year, even though within the Lubawa itself, the growth could have been seen in the first half of the year too. At the moment we are involved in numerous interesting, prospective projects, thus we are optimistically looking towards the year 2017.

Marcin Kubica, President of the Management Board LUBAWA S.A.

President of the Lubawa S.A. company, Marcin Kubica, emphasizes the fact that the year 2016 was beneficial and that the economic situation has been improved “in all segments of the business activity”. The Group has managed to receive expanded orders from the customers with whom the entity has been working so far. Moreover, some new customers have also been acquired. Marcin Kubica notes that Lubawa is involved in numerous “interesting, prospective projects”, which is a solid foundation for an optimistic view, when it comes to the year 2017.

According to the estimated data, the sales increase has been recorded in case of the Group’s dominating entity – Lubawa S.A. The revenue of the company throughout the four quarters of the preceding year was equal to PLN 65.6 million (PLN 13.3 million more than during the year 2015). The net sales result has been increased by PLN 2.3 million, up to PLN 5.7 million, while net result increase was equal to 0.5 million zlotys, up to PLN 3.5 million.

Lubawa Group delivers specialist equipment for the Armed Forces and uniformed services, including means of ballistic protection or rescue solutions, as well as camouflage systems, including mobile camouflage. Group’s annual report is expected to be published on 26th April.



