
Defence Policy

Top Polish Armed Forces Commanders Resign

Dowódca operacyjny gen. broni Tomasz Piotrowski, szef Sztabu Generalnego gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak, prezydent Andrzej Duda
Dowódca operacyjny gen. broni Tomasz Piotrowski, szef Sztabu Generalnego gen. Rajmund Andrzejczak, prezydent Andrzej Duda
Photo. Przemysław Kepler/KPRP

General Rajmund Andrzejczak, Chief of the General Staff of the Polish Armed Forces and Lt. General Tomasz Piotrowski, Operational Commander of the Polish Armed Forces have filed notices for resignation from their posts.


The fact that both senior officers filed notices for resignation has been confirmed by spokesperson of the General Staff col. Joanna Klejszmit as well as the spokesperson of the Operational Command, Lt. col. Jacek Goryszewski, as the Polish Press Agency PAP reported.


The resignations of both officers were first reported by „Rzeczpospolita” daily. According to „Rzeczpospolita”, dispute between the MoD and the generals on the responsibility after the Russian missile fell near Bydgoszcz in late 2022 and was found in April this year was one of the reasons behind the resignation.

According to law, Polish President Andrzej Duda will have to accept the resignation. The officers will now serve a three-month notice period, starting 1 November. Poland is conducting parliamentary elections on 15 October.


