

PCO S.A Celebrates 40th Anniversary Of Business Activities Within The Defence Market

  • Fot. Sea Launch
    Fot. Sea Launch

PCO S.A company celebrates a 40th Anniversary this year, pertaining to the company’s activities undertaken within the defence industry sector.On that occasion, a series of events is going to be organized, in order to present and showcase the potential and heritage of the Polish leader in the field of optronics.  

On 27th April, an anniversary gala supported by President Andrzej Duda will be organized at the Warsaw National Stadium. During the events, national and company’s medals, are going to be presented to the employees who have made significant contributions to the development process pertaining to the PCO S.A.'s presence in the defence market. The event agenda also includes presentation of a promotional film and of selected products manufactured by PCO S.A.. After the official part of the event comes to an end, a performance by Alicja Majewska and Włodzimierz Korcz is planned. The celebrations were inaugurated with a Mass, involving the Victoria Concert Orchestra on 21st April this year.

The journalists are invited to attend the events that are going to be held in May 2016. Then, a press briefing is going to take place, along with a visit to the production facility where the technology used to develop the optronic PCO S.A products is being researched.

More events related to the 40th Anniversary are planned to take place in November and December. Here we mean facility’s open days, addressed for the third persons and for the families of the employees.

PCO S.A. Anniversary

The 40th anniversary of PCO S.A which has been founded in 1976, now acting as a part of the Polish Armament Group, is an opportunity to present the optronic heritage of the company. According to the PCO S.A.'s tagline: “Innovations for security of people”, the company, since many years has been designing and developing a variety of optronic devices. Since its earliest days, the company works in the field of defence and security.

PCO S.A. company is one of the leading Polish manufacturers of optics, sights and observation devices that utilize laser, night- and thermal-vision technologies, all of which are designed for the military, as well as for the uniformed services. The offer includes both the soldier’s individual equipment, as well as the devices mounted on the combat vehicles. PCO S.A also deals with research and development and implementation initiatives. 



