

Modernized Bryza Aircraft For The Polish Navy

  • Fot. Rinju9/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY SA 3.0.
    Fot. Rinju9/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY SA 3.0.

44th Naval Aviation Base received its “1017” Bryza patrol aircraft with new engines. TWD-10B engines, with three-bladed propellers, were replaced with new PZL-10S engines, featuring five-bladed propellers. The aircraft still wears the historic paint scheme, of a Vickers Wellington bomber, referring to the “Silesian” 304th Bomber Squadron.

The Bryza “1017” aircraft flew to the 44th Naval Aviation Base in Siemirowice from Mielec yesterday. The aircraft has been modernized – TWD-10B engines with AW-24AN propellers have been replaced with PZL-10S engines fitted with five-bladed Hartzell propellers. The aircraft still wears the historic paint scheme, of a Vickers Wellington bomber, referring to the “Silesian” 304th Bomber Squadron, and the Battle of Atlantic.

Moreover, Bryza has been fitted with a new ARS-800 radar, TACAN navigational system receiver, and a central refuelling point. The colour scheme of this example of Bryza has been created back in 2003, just before the RIAT air show taking place in the UK. The theme for the air show in question referred to the 60th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic. Back in 2004, the 30th Navy Aviation Squadron took over the tradition of the 304th Bomber Squadron. Now, this tradition is continued by the Kaszuby Aviation Group, stationed in Siemirowice.

An-29B1R is a maritime patrol aircraft, also used for naval reconnaissance and search and rescue operations. Bryza is fitted with a maritime observation radar, data-link, CHELTON rescue beacon tracking system, and a rescue raft. Moreover, the plane is also adopted for using two SAB-100MN flare bombs, carried on the underwing pylons. These bombs are used as imitators of the airborne targets, during the exercises involving the anti-aircraft artillery on ships and of the anti-aircraft elements. The cockpit features three consoles for the radar and data-link operators. The crew consists of two pilots, engineer and tactical officer, working together with two or three systems operators.

A similar modernization of the powerplant has also been applied in case of two environmental monitoring An-28E aircraft, and in case of the patrol Bryza 1R “1022”, all of which are also stationed in Siemirowice. PZL-10S engines with Hartzell propellers are additionally going to be provided to Bryza “1008” and two transport aircraft of the 43rd Naval Aviation Base.



